重任在肩 第一季
在一次反恐行动中,由于情报失误,英国特警部队误杀了一名怀抱孩子的中东移民,负责行动队的首长决定将这宗丑闻彻底抹去,遂找来了知道真相的队员们统一口径,录制假口供。刑侦队长史蒂夫(马丁·康普斯顿 Martin Compston 饰)对于首长的决定十分不满,于是辞去了职务,被调往隶属于英国反贪署的秘密行动组。 史蒂夫的任务是调查一位名为托尼(连尼·詹姆斯 Lennie James 饰)的侦缉总督察,他因为涉嫌贪污而被列入了监视的名单。史蒂夫和女警探凯特(薇琪·麦克卢尔 Vicky McClure 饰)一同打入了托尼所领导的小组内部,史蒂夫却意外的发现,凯特还有另外一重秘密的身份。
重任在肩 第一季
新剧《灵界》(The Fades)被制片人描述为「相当长一段时期内人们在电视上见过的最吓人的电视剧集」。该剧描述一个17岁少年能够看见死者的精灵,一种被称为「逝者」的东西。这种东西不是鬼魂,不是吸血鬼和狼人,也不是民间传说中任何一种怪物,而是一种全新的东西。活人见不到他们,听不到他们,闻不到他们,也感觉不到他们的存在。但是如今生与死的界限开始模糊,「逝者」突破束缚进入了活人的世界。一个叫Paul的少年能够用肉眼看到「逝者」,他和他的朋友Mac将承担起驱除邪灵、保护人类的重任。一开始,Paul总是被「世界末日」的噩梦惊醒,他的心理医生对此无能为力。后来Paul亲眼见到自己身边被「逝者」环绕,才明白发生了什么事。与此同时,女主角Sarah能够预见未来,并因此遭到「逝者」的袭击。当Sarah神秘消失后,她的前夫Mark开始四处寻找她。 ——天涯小筑
战地神探 第二季
Fifty Ships--Foyle's determined investigation of a body on a deserted beach puts at risk the donation of American Aid and the crucial start of Lend-Lease in the war. Among the Few--Pilots and their girlfriends live fast and die young in a story of greed and passion where Foyle finds appearances are deceptive. War Games--Divided loyalties lead to revenge and murder when a businessman puts profits before principles in a secret pact with the Nazis. The Funk Hole--Foyle finds himself accused of a serious offense, which complicates his hunt for a ruthless murderer at a sinister hotel.
战地神探 第二季
行将就木 第五季
重任在肩 第二季
女囚犯 第八季
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第一季
远古入侵 第四季
距离第三季结尾已经过去一年时间了,Christine Johnson在第三季结尾的悲剧中丧生,异常点研究中心的三名核心队员(Danny、Connor和Abby)仍然下落不明,英国内政部对Lester的领导能力产生了怀疑--他们认为Lester根本无力独自指挥这样一个危险而耗资巨大的项目。内政部决定为异常点研究中心注入新鲜血液:Philip Burton。Philip既是一个著名的科学家,也是一个富可敌国的商人。异常点研究中心变更为「公私合营」后,总部也搬到了Philip的工业大厦里--这里每天都有很多科学家进进出出,与原来异常点研究中心的「军管」氛围完全不同。也正是因为如此,「谁是异常点研究中心的实际控制者?」成了一个无解的问题--尽管Lester继续负责研究中心的日常事务,但财政大权和部分行动的决定权却在Philip手中。 为了填补Connor、Abby和Danny失踪后留下的空白,异常点研究中心聘请Matt担任新的外勤队长,负责处理怪兽入侵事件。Matt当过兵,也当过动物学家,对动物有着超乎常人的亲和力。Matt寡言少语,很少谈论自己的过去,他加入异常点研究中心的真实目的始终是个谜。Connor以前担任的「科技总监」的职责由新人Jess接管,这位对技术十分痴迷的女孩现在控制着异常点研究中心的一切技术活。与此同时,Jess悄悄爱上了Becker上尉,但粗心的Becker浑然不知。自从异常点研究中心被毁后,Becker便离开了军队。他认为自己该为Connor等人的失踪负责。他现在以平民的身份担任新异常点研究中心的警卫队长,配备了新的制服和新的泰瑟枪。 与此同时,被困在白垩纪的Connor和Abby依靠树根和虫子为食,艰难地熬过了一年时光。在这一年里,他们学到了很多对付远古怪兽的方法,听觉、感觉、触觉、嗅觉和动作都敏锐了许多。正所谓患难见真情,Abby和Connor更加亲密了……但现在似乎不是谈情说爱的好时机。务实的Abby比爱幻想的Connor更能适应他们现在的处境,更何况Connor是个科技迷,离开那些高科技设备让他感觉很难受。他们最终回到了正确的时间线,但……异常点研究中心的变化实在是太大了!
远古入侵 第四季
行将就木 第六季
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第八季
A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 8 Episode # Air Date# Guests 8-01 26/Feb/01 Brian Molko, Rhona Cameron, Pete Deveraux, Sarah Cawood 8-02 05/Mar/01 Tania Strecker, Brian Harvey, Dave Mustaine, Arthur Smith 8-04 12/Mar/01 Slash, Tony Blackburn, Josie D'Arby, Paul Marazzi 8-03 16/Mar/01 Have I Got Buzzcocks All Over 8-05 19/Mar/01 Claire Richards, Michael Greco, Miles Hunt, Junior Simpson 8-06 26/Mar/01 Dane Bowers, Glenn Tilbrook, Darius Danesh, Vic Henley 8-07 02/Apr/01 Noel Sullivan, Kym Marsh, Mark Owen, Johnny
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第八季
演播时刻 第二季
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十四季
A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 14 Episode # Air Date# Guests 14-01 05/Jan/04 Kwame Kwei-Armah, Terry Hall, Brandon Block, Dave Fulton 14-02 12/Jan/04 Alice Cooper, Katie Melua, Tony Hadley, Jane Moore 14-03 19/Jan/04 Lisa Maffia, Mike Lewis, Dave Johns, David Grant 14-04 26/Jan/04 Alistair Griffin, Carol Decker, Tony Wilson, Jimmy Carr 14-05 02/Feb/04 Lionel Blair, Mikey Green, Tommy Scott, Gareth Jones 14-06 09/Feb/04 James Redmond, Sheila Ferguson, Jill Jackson, Crispian Mills 14-07 16/Feb/04 Dara O'Briain, Fa
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十四季
重案组女警 第三季
改编自Clara Salaman以笔名Natalie Daniels出版的同名小说,这部3集剧由Clara Salaman负责执笔,《福斯特医生》导演Bruce Goodison执导。 剧中讲述法医精神病学家(研究犯罪时是否在精神正常的状态)Emma Robinson(Emily Watson饰)被指派接触正面临庭审的Connie,这个女人犯下一宗令人发指的罪行,但她声称自己对此毫无记忆;Emma尝试理解对方与好友Ness之间的复杂关系,尤其是Ness可能是令Connie犯下罪行的原因。 但是在女主发挖真相的过程中,敏锐的Connie察觉到Emma的不安感并加以利用,因此在这场心理博弈里Emma可能为了正义而走上自毁之路。
战地神探 第三季
THE FRENCH DROP—Investigating a suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the rivalry between the established spy agency MI5 and the newly created SOE. ENEMY FIRE—Sabotage, murder, and adultery at a pioneering RAF hospital brings Foyle face to face with the devastating physical and emotional consequences of war. THEY FOUGHT IN THE FIELDS—A murdered farmer and the crash landing of a German plane present a confusing case, especially as spring is in the air and even Foyle is not immune to a whiff of romance. A WAR OF NERVES—An unexploded bomb at a busy shipyard leads to a startling discovery in a complex story of greed and politics.
战地神探 第三季
一位年轻医生的笔记 第一季
本剧根据俄罗斯作家Mikhail Bulgakov的短片小说集改编,故事发生在俄国十月革命前夕。本剧的主人公是一个医生,但他却由两个演员扮演。难得的是,这两个演员都是当今影视界数一数二的重量级人物——电视剧《广告狂人》(Mad Men)的男主角Jon Hamm和电影《哈利波特》系列的男主角Daniel Radcliffe。 在本剧中,主人公是俄罗斯小村庄Muryovo的医生。在这个社会变革、新旧世界交替的特殊时期,主人公每天除了要面对形形色色的病人之外,还要面对来自内心的「心魔」。他时常幻想起年轻时代的自己——年轻的「他」不停和现在的他说话,迫使他回忆过去,思考自己为什么会变成今天这个样子,思考自己要如何选择未来的人生之路。 在首集中,主人公自己给自己开了一些吗啡,并因此遭到有关部门的调查。在此期间,他发现了自己很早以前撰写的一本日记。通过翻阅日记,他开始与「年轻时代的自己」交谈。他嘲笑年轻时的自己太嫩,而年轻的他则嘲笑他太老。无论如何,有了这个「伙伴」,他原本感觉困难重重的工作现在轻松多了。 ----天涯小筑
一位年轻医生的笔记 第一季
《完美星球》是一部与地球科学巧妙结合的蓝筹自然历史纪录片,它揭示了我们所生存的这颗星球的运转规则。 这部纪录片共分为五集,展示了自然力量如何推动、塑造和维持地球生物的多样性,前四集分别探索了火山、 阳光、天气和海洋的力量,最后一集则着眼于新兴的自然力量:人类,揭示了人类对地球造成的巨大影响以及如何恢复地球完美的生态平衡。 从印度雨季潮湿的土地到夏威夷火山炽热的山坡;从巴哈马的潮汐岛屿到冰天雪地的埃尔斯米尔岛;从冬夜郊外嚎叫的北极狼群到春季结冰的身体慢慢融化的木蛙;从加拉帕戈斯群岛以吸食海鸟鲜血解渴的吸血地雀,到每年成群结队聚集在火山湖中繁殖的非洲小红鹳,《完美星球》将带领我们踏上一场无与伦比的视觉之旅。 这部纪录片将改变我们看待自然家园的方式。我们将一次又一次地见证地球所具有的强大自然力量是如何孕育生命的。
糟糕历史 第二季
心理追凶 第五季
军情五处 第十季
The tenth and final season of long-running British espionage thriller "MI-5" sees Harry return to his post as head of Section D, wherein his Russian opposite Ilya Gavrik (Jonathan Hyde) proposes a strategic partnership between their countries. New "spooks" Erin Watts (Lara Pulver) and Calum Reed (Geoffrey Streatfield) join the fight to prevent all enemies of the alliance from sabotaging the plan and instigating a war.
军情五处 第十季
只有傻瓜和马 第三季
只有傻瓜和马 第四季
女囚犯 第六季
女囚犯 第三季
战地神探 第六季
Episode 1: The Russian House Foyle stumbles upon an international cover up, which, if exposed could bring down the British government, and reveal the War Office’s darkest secret yet. Episode 2: Killing Time Foyle goes head to head against the might of the US army, as racial prejudices erupt when a local girl is found murdered, and the finger of suspicion points to a black GI at the US military base. Episode 3: The Hide The newly retired Foyle battles to save a young man accused of high treason from the executioner’s noose, in a case that will shatter his personal world to the core.
战地神探 第六季
自君别去 第一季
Jimmy is the only man who, after his divorce, still has to deal with his disapproving, meddling mother-in-law. When his ex-wife volunteers to go to east Africa to help the victims of a natural disaster, weekend-dad Jimmy agrees to take care of their two teenage kids full time in an attempt to win her back!很好笑的英国喜剧
自君别去 第一季
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第六季
A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 6 Episode # Air Date# Guests 6-01 10/Sep/99 Sister Bliss, Martin Fry, Jayne Middlemiss, Arthur Smith 6-02 17/Sep/99 Dave Bowers, Jeff Green, Nik Kershaw, Roisin Murphy 6-03 24/Sep/99 Sarah Cawood, David Essex, J, Pauline McLynn 6-04 01/Oct/99 Stuart Adamson, Marianne Faithfull, Sean Lock, Gail Porter 6-05 08/Oct/99 Lisa Scott-Lee, Boy George, Suggs, Jo Brand 6-06 15/Oct/99 Ian Broudie, Rich Hall, Ben Ofoedu, Suzi Quatro 6-07 22/Oct/99 Jamie Benson, Vic Henley, Mary Mary, Bryan McFa
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第六季
战地神探 第一季
战地神探 第一季
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十三季
A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 13 Episode # Air Date# Guests 13-01 08/Sep/03 Dick Valentine, Huey Morgan, Louise Redknapp, Alexei Sayle 13-02 15/Sep/03 Har Mar Superstar, Raul Malo, Liz McClarnon, Mark Richardson 13-03 22/Sep/03 Megaman, Martina Topley-Bird, Howard Jones, Jackie Clune 13-04 29/Sep/03 Josie D'Arby, Joel Pott, Jane McDonald, Gavin Webster 13-05 06/Oct/03 Wayne Sleep, Sian Evans, Clint Boon, Mike Wilmot 13-06 13/Oct/03 Vic Henley, Myleene Klass, Andy Bell, Sinitta 13-07 20/Oct/03 Adam Hills, Matt H
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十三季
Max Raban is a former journalist, reduced to raking through bins for celebrity stories. Everything changes when he uncovers information that will lead him into a frightening world of deceit and distrust. As Max's world crumbles around him he struggles to find a way to expose the truth.
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第五季
A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 5 Episode # Air Date# Guests 5-01 12/Feb/99 Simon LeBon, Karen Poole, Ian Dury, Kathy Burke 5-02 19/Feb/99 Faye Tozer, Glen Matlock, Sara Cox, Junior Simpson 5-03 26/Feb/99 Frank Skinner, Leeroy Thornhill, Rick Wakeman, Paul Godfrey 5-04 05/Mar/99 Rowland Rivron, Meat Loaf, Billie Piper, Nick Keynes 5-05 12/Mar/99 Have I Got Buzzcocks All Over 5-06 19/Mar/99 Carl Cox, John Hegley, Kate Thornton, Roy Wood 5-07 26/Mar/99 Toyah Willcox, Kele LeRoc, Tom Gray, Adam Bloom 5-08 02/Apr/99 Bill Bailey, Howard Jones, Grant Nicholas, Tony Wright
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第五季
女囚犯 第四季
The ship has been stuck in the doldrums for some time, but as soon as they break free into more promising water, the wind blows up suddenly, damaging the foremast and sending the ship right back into the still water. Mr Prettiman takes a hard fall and is laid up in his cabin, Miss Granham tends to him and the two announce their engagement. A ship is sighted in the distance. As everyone prepares for the encounter with the enemy Edmund hits his head. He is badly hurt, but struggles on. The ships draw close, but instead of bringing an encounter with the enemy, it is The Alcyone, a British ship captained by Sir Henry Somerset, they announce that the war is over. The two boats are tied together for a ball. Edmund meets Sir Henry's ward, Marion, and immediately falls in love. But his head injury takes its toll and he falls unconcious just as he was going to beg for her hand. After some days he finally recovers, but the two ships have parted and Marion is gone. Edmund's servant Wheeler was
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十一季
A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 11 Episode # Air Date# Guests 11-01 23/Sep/02 Ben Shepherd, Clare Grogan, Jenny Frost, Mark Goodier 11-02 30/Sep/02 Abs Breen, Ali Campbell, Robin Campbell, Marilyn 11-03 07/Oct/02 Sean Lock, Jason Perry, Lorraine Pearson, Budgie 11-04 14/Oct/02 Lauren Laverne, Jimmy Cliff, Sheila Ferguson, Steve Frost 11-05 21/Oct/02 Billy Bragg, Ian McLagan, Mark Steel, Gay-Yee Westerhoff 11-06 28/Oct/02 Jackie Clune, Gary Moore, Tony Blackburn, Chris Baker 11-07 04/Nov/02 Emma B, Neil Innes, Seb
乐坛毒舌嗡嗡鸡 第十一季
行将就木 第一季
一点双人秀 第三季
When Timothy is called into his father's study for a word, it is revealed to him that he is the chosen one and he must set out to kill Pewnack the Destroyer, the Dark One, the Beast - who lives in Saffron Walden. The show closes with Hugh providing accompaniment on the piano as Stephen mixes up a 'Whisky Thunder'.
一点双人秀 第三季