Hamish Hamilton的影视剧作品集
完整获奖名单:www.douban.com/movie/oscar 相关豆列:www.douban.com/doulist/408392/ 【最佳影片】Best Picture 《拆弹部队》/ “The Hurt Locker” Nominees to be determined 【最佳导演】Directing 凯瑟琳·毕格罗《拆弹部队》/ “The Hurt Locker” Kathryn Bigelow 【最佳男主角】Actor in a Leading Role 杰夫·布里奇斯《疯狂的心》/ Jeff Bridges in “Crazy Heart” 【最佳女主角】Actress in a Leading Role 桑德拉·布洛克《弱点》/ Sandra Bullock in “The Blind Side” 【最佳男配角】Actor in a Supporting Role 克里斯托弗·沃尔茨《无耻混蛋》/ Christoph Waltz in “Inglourious Basterds” 【最佳女配角】Actress in a Supporting Role 莫妮克《珍爱》/ Mo’Nique in “Precious” 【最佳动画长片】Animated Feature Film 《飞屋环游记》/ “Up” Pete Docter 【最佳纪录长片】Documentary (Feature) 《海豚湾》/ “The Cove” Nominees to be determined 【最佳外语片】Foreign Language Film 《谜一样的双眼》阿根廷 / “El Secreto de Sus Ojos” Argentina 【最佳原创剧本】Original Screenplay 马克·鲍尔《拆弹部队》/ “The Hurt Locker” Written by Mark Boal 【最佳改编剧本】Adapted Screenplay 乔福瑞·福莱切《珍爱》/ “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire” Screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher 【最佳摄影】Cinematography 《阿凡达》/ “Avatar” Maur
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