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    2017 剧情 日本


    1941年春,日本佐贺县的唐津市。与姑姑江马圭子(常盘贵子 饰)一家生活在一起的17岁青年榊山俊彦(洼冢俊介 饰)迎来了新的学期。无忧无虑的青葱岁月,他每天都和好友们过着快乐的日子。这其中,拥有如希腊神话中男神一般健美身材的美少年鹈饲(满岛真之介 饰)、有如虚无僧似的吉良(长冢圭史 饰)和搞笑吵闹的阿苏(柄本时生 饰)是他最好的朋友。俊彦有一个堂妹,那是圭子姑妈的女儿美那(矢作穂香 饰)。美那患有肺病,弱不禁风,苍白的一张脸愈加楚楚动人,恰恰令处在青春期的俊彦为之倾倒。与此同时,他的身边还环绕着亚音(山崎紘菜 饰)、千岁(门胁麦 饰)等美丽女孩。少男少女们嬉笑打闹,在青春的边界线上肆意奔跑。然而当战争的钟声响起,他们那纯如白纸的青春便破碎成片,飘散空中


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    黄龍の耳 美那の章

    * Based on the manga by Inoue Noriyoshi, which has also had a SNES game spin-off.  Natsume Kiroemon is the 45th leader of the Natsume family to inherit the Kouryuu no Mimi, a tool which gives its bearer easy access to wealth and women. As a result of his father's death, he leaves the Italian monastery where he had been training and to rightfully take on the name Natsume Kiroemon as well as the power of the Kouryuu no Mimi. Upon his return to Japan, he falls in love with Kanako, one of the members of the rival Mina family. However, the evil hand of the Mina family attacks Natsume repeatedly and abducts Kanako. But now that Natsume has unlocked the seal, making the Kouryuu's power surge, he can strike back at the Mina family.

    黄龍の耳 美那の章

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