太空人的藏宝图 第一季
寻宝者达雷尔·米克洛斯(Darrell Miklos)打算寻找宇航员戈登·库珀(Gordon Cooper)在1963年从太空中发现的沉船。 戈登·库珀是20世纪60年代美国宇航局的宇航员,在执行任务时,他在加勒比海沿岸拍摄了一只饥饿的“变形虫”。库珀认为,它们一定是沉没的船只,包括克里斯托弗·哥伦布失踪的舰队,而这些照片将成为一张地图,用来发现现在躺在海底的丢失的宝藏。虽然库珀去世了,但他把他长期保守的秘密和藏宝图留给了一位密友。本系列讲述的是一群寻宝者潜入库珀50年前从太空拍摄到的地点,希望发掘海洋的秘密。
太空人的藏宝图 第一季
爱尔兰幻术师、感应大师及魔术师Keith Barry,在节目中大展读心及植入想法进而影响他人行为的本领,引人入胜。 来自爱尔兰的Keith Barry,是幻术师兼感应大师及魔术师,也是2009 年国际魔术师学会颁发的「年度感应大师」最高荣誉梅林奖得主,还被封为拉斯维加斯09 年最佳魔术师。他曾主持《Close Encounters with Keith Barry》、《Keith Barry : Extraordinary》等结合读心及魔术的节目,于新节目《看穿读心术》(Deception with Keith Barry),他就展示其如何靠密切观察一个人的肢体语言、呼吸方式,以及细微的眼部动作,即能看穿实验对象的心思,甚至影响对方的行为。
末日倒数 地球大撤退
If we faced a countdown to destruction, could we build a spacecraft to take us to new and habitable worlds? Can we Evacuate Earth? NGC's two-hour special examines this terrifying but scientifically plausible scenario by exploring how we could unite to ensure the survival of the human race.
末日倒数 地球大撤退
荒野新生 第三季
BBC 澳大利亚
Simon's adventure starts in the magnificent 'red centre' of the continent and onwards through South Australia, via the extraordinary Indian Pacific Railway until he reaches the west coast city of Perth. On the way, he joins an Aussie rancher in the parched outback and takes part in a spectacular camel round-up. This mad aventure, involving specially adapted off-road vehicles and a chopper, is part of an ongoing effort to stop the damaging spread of up to a million feral camels across the country. Simon also passes through Australia's wine country and to the lucrative tuna fishing city of Port Lincoln, and he investigates the impact these trades are having on the environment. In Western Australia, he joins a 21st century gold rush - part of the resource boom that has made Australia one of the richest countries in the world. Finally in Perth, Simon discovers a full scale British invasion. Working in a mine or driving a lorry can bring a salary of a hundred thousand pounds a year, as e
BBC 澳大利亚
小空间大改造 第五季
金矿的赌注:前进旧矿区 第一季
环球竞速 第一季
Race Across The World, a new six-part series for BBC Two, will pit pairs of travellers against each other in a race to reach the Far East without taking a single flight, with no smartphone in sight. Each contestant will only have the cash equivalent of an air fare to their destination to pay for their overland travel. If they run out, they'll need to earn more. Setting out on the adventure of a lifetime, the couples will hit the open road using whatever mode of transport they can - from trains to pickup trucks, from ferries to tuk-tuks - crossing continents and experiencing travel the way we once used to. And the race is on to reach the finish line in the fastest time, making best use of their money - and strategy - to win a cash prize. This flightless race will allow the teams time to savour some of the world’s most beautiful and astonishing scenery, which the modern-day traveller seldom gets to see. Each couple has their own personal motivation for taking part in this once-in-a-li
环球竞速 第一季
吉米的食品工厂 第二季
本部纪录片是英国BBC在2009年推出的一档纪录片中的第二季。在第一季中,我们领略了吉米•多尔蒂天马行空的想象力,跟随他一起走进他的仓库食品工厂,看他如何用自己的方法制作出超市般的食物。 第二季中吉米则为我们揭秘超市食品背后的不为人知的“秘密”,劲暴来袭。第一集酒吧小食品,第二集速食食品,第三集轻便早餐,第四集爱恨交加的发酵食品,第五集盒装午餐,第六集烧烤大餐,第七集冰火两重天,第八集儿童大会餐。疯狂的吉米此次更是让你跌破眼镜、完爆想象力:网球拍“拍”出香脆薯条,轮胎“磨”出汉堡肉,花盆“压”制出花生酱……超市食品再不是寻常的吃食,而是一个奇妙的冒险世界!
吉米的食品工厂 第二季
在特别专辑「大和号战舰之谜」中,观众将目睹该舰是如何执行自杀攻击式的最后一战。 “大和号”战列舰曾是日本海军的终极武器——迄今所建最大、最强的战列舰。三年间,“大和号”横行于太平洋上,参加过中途岛战役和莱特湾战役。但到了1945年末,日本的嚣张气焰已现颓势,美军随时可能会登陆冲绳,日本海军在重压之下唯有派出其王牌战舰迎战。“大和号”战列舰的三千三百名官兵带着仅够单程的燃料,抱着九死一生的信念,再度从日本启航,准备去面对强大的美国海军。这将是“大和号”的最后航行——仅仅数小时后,美国海军的数百架战机将这艘不可一世的巨型日本战舰击沉海底。特别专辑「大和号战舰之谜」将汇集海底探险的影像镜头、战争场面的历史档案以及战舰在海上作战的最后数小时的情景再现。“大和号”真的是被派去攻击敌方?抑或这艘日本海军最伟大的战舰其实是去执行早已计划好的自杀任务?难道日本军令部为了维护国家荣誉而故意牺牲了“大和号”及其官兵?在极少数“大和号”生还官兵以及深海潜水员和海战史学家的帮助下,我们将回顾这起海战史上最悲壮的事件之一。
安东尼·波登未知之旅 第四季
A look at the prison breakout of Richard Matt and David Sweat from Clinton Correctional facility, as well as a look back at some of the most daring and ingenious prison breaks in American history. 两名因谋杀罪入狱的犯人在刚刚过去的周末 从美国纽约州一处安全级别最高的监狱越狱。 犯人使用电动工具切开了囚室的钢壁,沿着管道布线找到附近下水道,又切开了下水道然后通过街面的下水道口逃走。
Discovery's 'Shipwreck Men' features modern day pirates patrolling the coast of southern Florida - and the bounty they're after is boats in distress. Salvage companies scan the waters day and night. When trouble strikes they race into action, whether it's saving a sinking vessel, rescuing boats from dangerous hurricane storms or putting out a massive fire. While their intentions are good, it doesn't mean it isn't a cutthroat business.
至cool旅程 第二季
山中人 第五季
山中人 第五季
你,饿了吗?只要收看《美食的诞生》5分钟,你一定会觉得饿了。《美食的诞生》是韩国KBS电视台2014 年旗舰记录片,将带你一窥全球美食的奥秘,让你无法克制唾液的分泌。 第一集 给你幸福的「面包」 其中首集,就要記錄不同的麵包,也發現麵包最早的考古學證據,是來自歐洲舊石器時代晚期的地層,大約距今3萬年前。那時的麵包只是發酵的糧食餅。 古典時代已經有品種豐富的麵包了,古希臘人用大麥做麵包,因小麥麵包非常珍貴。雅典則很早就出現了職業麵包師。古羅馬作家阿特那奧斯在《歡宴的智者》一書中,描述了當時羅馬人吃的麵包、蛋糕、餅乾和糕點,可作為歷史見證。書中提到的麵包有熱香餅、蜂蜜油脂麵包、蘑菇形麵包沾滿罌粟子,還有軍隊裡特有的炙叉吐司卷。 紀錄片中,探討這些蓬鬆而美味麵包是什麼?填飽飢餓肚子的一餐飯嗎?還是超越文化與人種的全人類主食?對某些人而言,麵包曾是權力,亦是燦爛文明的象徵,也是救援人類的麵包。 現在流行於世界的糕餅麵包,已超越了單純是烹調的水準,麵包正活躍於藝術與運動的境界當中,成為全人類慶典活動的麵包世界,它究竟是從何時何處開始的呢?片中將提到埃及人是如何製作發酵麵包,還有其他哪些有趣的相關連,紀錄片中將延伸不同主軸,不只是为填饱肚子,请先剥开面包,闻着迎来的面香,放入口中感受松软带劲的嚼头,面包与幸福感就这样画上了等号。 本集带你看冰岛烘焙师用火山地热烤面包、撒哈拉游牧妇女用灰烬烤大饼;还有法国的经典可颂、印度的Q 劲甩饼。 KBS 制作团队远赴埃及,以三千年前的方法烤面包,再以动画及类戏剧方式重现面包如何影响古埃及人的生活。总之,本集除了让人垂涎欲滴,也剖析了面包的身世及它衍生出的各种迷人样貌。 第二集 给你梦想的「香料」 人之异于禽兽,是因为人类会烹调。而香气的植物或果实,如葱、姜、蒜、九层塔、胡椒、豆 ,添加在食物中,立即将烹饪提上更高层次。 在古代,香料象征金钱与权力,大英帝国就是为寻找香料,进而拓展了版图。即使是现在,番红花仍是论毫克卖的贵重香料。 本集带你看到印尼孩子采豆、印度农民晒胡椒、丹麦名厨尝百草。经过辛苦的采制及精心的烹调,香料逐渐建构出当地的文化与生活。 第三集 给你力量的「肉」 不论是北极的海豹、俄国的鹿、德州的牛、日本的鱼,每个地方以不同方式烹调不同的肉类。人们满足了口腹之欲,也获得了体力所需的蛋白质。 《美食的诞生
顶尖狙击手 第二季
For the past eight years, the U.S. Army's Sniper School at Fort Benning, Ga., has hosted the International Sniper Competition; where elite two-man teams compete to earn the coveted title of "top sniper." In this grueling competition, the participants' precision, camouflage, stalking and observational skills are put to the ultimate test. Eighteen challenging events examine the teams' expertise in long-range shooting, urban combat and covert maneuvering through realistic conflicts and environments. Bringing together the most elite snipers from around the world, the competition showcases thirty-three teams from branches of the U.S. Army, Marines, and Air Force, and for the first time ever includes a law enforcement team-a SWAT team from Pittsburgh, Pa. The international field includes representatives from Canada, Denmark, France and Ireland. Since some military teams are comprised of active special forces, the identities of many of the competitors have been concealed in order to ensure t
顶尖狙击手 第二季
敌军再相逢 Once Were Enemies
Two parallel stories of Japanese and American WWII enemies play out on the island where they fought 60 years prior. They meet face-to-face for the first time and their adventures take them into the jungle where remnants of their fighting still remain untouched.
敌军再相逢 Once Were Enemies
南美洲金矿的赌注 第一季
脑力大挑战 第四季
飙出活路 第一季
It's all about the drive to survive. What happens when you 'MacGyver-ize' a car? In One Car Too Far former British Special Forces operative and an American car junkie are dropped into incredible landscapes and forced to work together to survive and ultimately escape to safety. The twist, they will have to take a small red car with them. It's the perfect combination as one knows how to drive and the other knows how to survive. With no proper roads and no real supplies, the two must rely on instinct and expertise alone to make it out. From the treacherous slopes and near-freezing temperatures of a mountain top, to the wet, dense vegetation of the rainforest, they use whatever supplies they can find to turn a regular car into an all-purpose vehicle to get them over, under and through just about any obstacle in their way.
飙出活路 第一季
旅人48小时游记 第一季
Richard Ayoade takes a ruthlessly efficient approach to travel. In 48 hours he covers everything a city has to offer. Episode 1 - Barcelona Richard and actor Kathy Burke do Barcelona in 48 hours, including some far-out cuisine, Cava tasting, a guided tricycle tour and surrealist artist Miro Episode 2 - Istanbul Richard and comedian Adam Hills embark on a whirlwind visit in Istanbul, including a boat trip, a massage, a very close shave, and some haggling at the Grand Bazaar Episode 3 - Iceland Richard takes actor Jessica Hynes on a whirlwind weekend away to the stunning scenery of Iceland, for waterfalls, glaciers, geysers, whales, rotten shark and elf school Episode 4 - Marrakech Richard and actor Stephen Mangan eat steamed sheep's head and go hot air ballooning and camel riding on a quickie weekend trip in Morocco
旅人48小时游记 第一季
蛮野一家 第十一季