成功镇凶案 第二季
路易不容易 第五季
贝尔追缉令 名人丛林大逃亡
粉雄救兵 第五季
我买了一个农场 第一季
地狱厨房(美版) 第二季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第二季
厨艺大师(美版) 第五季
执子之手(美版) 第一季
Take Me Out is an American comedy dating game show that is broadcast on Fox.It is based on the British show Take Me Out, which in turn is based on the Australian show Taken Out. It premiered on June 7, 2012. The host is George Lopez. It premiered on Thursday at 8:00 p.m. in Canada and the United States.
执子之手(美版) 第一季
美哉琉璃巧匠大比拼 第二季
纽约医生日记 第一季
厨艺大师(美版) 第四季
《厨艺大师》的参赛者几乎来自各行各业,相同的是他们都对烹饪充满热情与希望! 来自全国各地的参赛者,他们必须在每一集节目中做出令裁判惊艳的菜肴以脱颖而出,要击败众多竞争者当然不容易,能让裁判同时也是米其林名厨Gordon Ramsay在内的三位世界顶级名厨点头更是难上加难 !!最后优胜的冠军将可得到25万元的奖金以及正式走上梦想中的厨师之路!
厨艺大师(美版) 第四季
厨艺大师(美版) 第一季
成功镇凶案 第一季
地狱厨房(美版) 第十四季
Season 14 of the American competitive reality television series Hell's Kitchen premiered on March 3, 2015 on Fox. The prize is a head chef position. Gordon Ramsay returned as head chef with Andi Van Willigan and James Avery returning as sous chefs for both their respective kitchens as well as Marino Monferrato as the maître d'.
地狱厨房(美版) 第十四季
厨艺大师(美版) 第七季
厨艺大师(美版) 第六季
通灵之战 第十七季
地狱厨房(美版) 第一季
World renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts 12 aspiring young chefs through rigorous and devastating challenges at his restaurant in Hollywood, "Hell's Kitchen", to determine which of them will win the restaurant of their dreams. Their dreams are quickly becoming nightmares. Written by {robocoptng986127@aol.com}
地狱厨房(美版) 第一季
做个非洲富豪吧 第三季
地狱厨房(美版) 第八季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第八季
房屋整理专家 第一季
通灵之战 第十六季
美国唱作人 第一季
路易不容易 第四季
Louis C.K. as a newly meijubar.net divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production. The series will be loosely based on C.K.'s life, and will blend his stand-up material with extended autobiographical comedy short films depicting moments of his off-stage experiences.
路易不容易 第四季
白马公主 第一季
地狱厨房(美版) 第五季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第五季
地狱厨房(美版) 第三季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第三季
镜花水月 第一季
通灵之战 第十五季
名人荒野求生 第三季
一年一度的维也纳新年音乐会将于2025年1月1日在著名的金色大厅隆重举行。今年的音乐会特别邀请到享誉全球的意大利指挥大师里卡尔多·穆蒂担任指挥,与维也纳爱乐乐团携手为全世界的乐迷开启崭新的一年。这场音乐会不仅延续了经典的施特劳斯家族旋律,还特别致敬小约翰·施特劳斯诞辰200周年,用十首作品勾勒出“圆舞曲之王”辉煌的一生。 里卡尔多·穆蒂与维也纳爱乐的合作堪称传奇,自1971年首次携手至今,已共同呈现超过500场演出,其中包括六场新年音乐会。2025年,83岁的穆蒂将迎来他第七次执棒这一盛会,再续经典。四年前的无观众新年音乐会至今令人难忘,今年穆蒂将再次站在金色大厅的指挥台上,用他标志性的潇洒与活力,为全球乐迷带来无与伦比的艺术享受。 今年的音乐会曲目尤为特别,不仅涵盖了小约翰·施特劳斯的经典之作《蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲》《加速圆舞曲》《美酒、女人与歌圆舞曲》等,还首次引入女作曲家的作品——康斯坦兹·盖格的《费迪南德圆舞曲》。这一安排不仅彰显音乐会的多样性与创新性,也为女性创作者带来更大的舞台。 音乐会的视觉表现同样令人期待。维也纳国家芭蕾舞团将在《加速圆舞曲》和《非此即彼快速波尔卡》的旋律中翩翩起舞,演出场景选址维也纳技术博物馆与塞默林南轨的酒店,将施特劳斯家族的浪漫音乐与铁路工业的历史巧妙结合。适逢世界首条公共铁路——英国斯托克顿-达灵顿铁路开通200周年,这场音乐与舞蹈的结合将为观众带来一种恢弘的沉浸式体验。 今年的音乐会将通过影院银幕将这一顶级视听盛宴呈现给全球观众。无论是细腻的演奏细节,还是环绕式的音效体验,都能让观众仿若置身于金色大厅之中。 --- 2025年维也纳新年音乐会曲目单 **上半场** 1. 老约翰·施特劳斯:《自由进行曲》 2. 约瑟夫·施特劳斯:《奥地利村燕圆舞曲》 3. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《破坏者法兰西波尔卡》 4. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《大湖圆舞曲》 5. 爱德华·施特劳斯:《轻快芬芳快速波尔卡》 **下半场** 1. 小约翰·施特劳斯:轻歌剧《吉普赛男爵》序曲 2. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《加速圆舞曲》 3. 小约瑟夫·赫尔梅斯伯格:《欢乐兄弟进行曲》(选自轻歌剧《紫罗兰姑娘》) 4. 康斯坦兹·盖格尔:《费迪南德圆舞曲》(改编:W.多纳尔) 5. 小约翰·施特劳斯:《非此即彼快速波尔卡》 6. 约瑟夫·施特
路易不容易 第三季
Louis C.K. as a newly meijubar.net divorced father raising his two daughters in New York City.It will be a half-hour production. The series will be loosely based on C.K.'s life, and will blend his stand-up material with extended autobiographical comedy short films depicting moments of his off-stage experiences.
路易不容易 第三季
地狱厨房(美版) 第十五季
In the Season 15 premiere of HELL'S KITCHEN, Chef Gordon Ramsay welcomes the newest bunch of contestants into the kitchen. The steaks are high when the contestants travel to Las Vegas and see the kitchen where this season's winner will work as a Head Chef: BLT Steak at Bally's Las Vegas. And, for the first time in HELL'S KITCHEN history, they will compete in that kitchen for the signature dish team challenge. The winning team will earn a ride on the High Roller - the world's tallest Ferris wheel - and get VIP service at Drai's Nightclub, while the losing team prepares a Vegas buffet service, which includes peeling 50 lbs. of shrimp and 1,000 lbs. of potatoes. Later, during their first dinner service, one of the teams will fail early on in the service, prompting Chef Ramsay to kick them out of the kitchen. Find out which contestants will be safe from elimination and whose luck will run out.
地狱厨房(美版) 第十五季
地狱厨房(美版) 第十二季
Get ready for the heat of meijubar.net HELL'S KITCHEN as superstar chef Gordon Ramsay ushers in the series' red-hot ninth season with 18 new competitors. These aspiring restaurateurs will brave Ramsay and his wrath as he once again puts the competitors through rigorous challenges to see who has the skill and passion to win a life-changing prize: a head chef position at BLT Steak in New York City. Ramsay's culinary challenges will range from the cute and cuddly as the chefs cook a "Mommy and me" meal for a room full of moms and toddlers, to the sublime as the chefs are challenged to cook using different types of beer as the basis for their recipes.
地狱厨房(美版) 第十二季
粉雄救兵 第二季